You know this is one INTERESTING life!
We struggle in our walks with God. We are constantly at odds with ourselves. We want things to be better. Have a "fuller"
walk. Yet we often feel "dry".
...And we wonder why we are not closer to the Lord?
Hmmmm.....let's think about that for just a moment!
"why are we not closer to God?"
What could possibly be the answer?
Could it just possibly be, that we are not spending that much time with Him?
But we might say, "well, I go to church every Sunday". "I go to bible study once a week". And I pray now and then".
But things don't seem to be working out too well.
You feel very distant from God.
You know many of us have had this problem. At one time, or another.
........Or perhaps we have yet to have it?
You know, when God redeemed us, it was to make us more like Jesus:
"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be
the firstborn among many brethren."
(Romans 8:29 NKJV)
And if we only spend an average of 3-4 hours with Him (per week). How much will we REALLY be like Him?
Like a student studying to be a doctor. What if he only spends 3-4 hours a week in study? How good of a doctor do you
think he will be? And for that matter. Would you trust such a doctor to know what he was talking about? Doing? Who does not
stay in practice for more than 4 hours a week? Probably not!
Or what about a good friend. You only spend 3-4 hours per week with that friend. You want to know them really well. Not
just the "surface" things. But more intimately, emotionally that is. So how well will you know that friend in a deep way?
And remember, it's only just a few hours! And aside from that there are always distractions.
You see it's the same with God! How can we discern His voice. Know His will? If we only spend just a few hours a week
in His presence? And think about this. If it's only during service time, (and) or bible study. Then we have
the added distractions of others around us. So, how well will we really know Him? How well will we discern His voice?
Know what He is saying to us?
....Think about it!
If we really want to get to know God better? Then perhaps it's time to get off our, "backsides" and get on our faces!
Is it not?
Afterall, we don't mind getting to know the T.V., or one of the other many distractions of life. But yet, we can't seem
to find enough time to spend with the one who loves and redeems us! The one who gave us his best. Gave us His all. But yet
we cannot seem to give Him even just a little of ourselves!
So how do you think God feels in all this?
He did gave us His one and only Son to redeem us:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life."
(John 3:16 NIV)
Yet, we cannot find enough time for Him. But yet we can for the "entertainments" of life. And at the same time. Many
of us still want a close relationship with Him! Without wanting to put the effort in!!
....The type of relationship where we end up doing all the taking ....and very little of the giving!
You see we all have a choice in our walk. Do we want a real intimate relationship with God? Or is the "surface" all we
really want?
If you want to really know Him better? Then you have to do something about it!
Afterall, if there is a book you want to read. You really want to know what it is all about? You have to read
it! Cliff notes? They never really make the "cut"! Now, do they?
You see we can have a life in Christ that is strong, full, intimate with our creator, healthy. ....Or we can have
it "caffeteria style".
And I don't know about you? But I for one, am really never satisfied with caffeteria food!
...And I believe God wants to serve His Sons and Daughters the best!
"Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him,
and We will come to him and make Our home with him."
(John 14:23 NKJV)
So what would you like? The "full course dinner"? Or the "spam'n cheese"?