Do you want something real? Many of us ask these questions of ourselves many times as we pass through this life.
We get tired of the "norm" what seems to be the way things are. We desire more "closeness" to God. Closer to His word, His
plan, His heart. We get tired of this "mega church" mentality that seems to be more "bent" on increasing numbers, than it
does quality. Now Im not speaking of the quality of the church building itself, the carpet, the "decor", etc. The quality
of being part of something that is God-led, God-driven, God-inspired. To be part of something that does not "keep boundaries",
have "cliques". Does not worry about holding up appearances, but believes it is more important to be honest about your short
comings, than to claim they never existed. To be "servant minded", not "serve-me minded". To still have that "child-like"
faith that brings you into the awesome presence of our creator. To have the same fervor for Him, as the day you accepted His
Son as Lord and savior. To be able to be led by Him and have the encouragement and prayers of others. Be able to share what
He is doing in your life and not be judged and "dissected" for it. To be able to have a "real" experience where all your
brothers and sisters have a heart for God and His ways. To come together and worship and fellowship as "sinners saved by His
grace" and not by our works. To acknowledge that we need Him everyday of our lives and that without Him we have no hope. To
just be able to accept our salvation and admit that we are "works in progress" (He's not finished with us yet! Praise
God for that!!). You see God's love is awesome and not like anything that we try to compare it to. His love is endless, unwavering,
wider than anything in time or space. We tend to view God's love the way we view the examples around us. Some have been
good and some not very good! Many of us as examples have been good, others not so good, others downright bad!!! The difference
is, do we look within ourselves and examine ourselves as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourselves as to whether
you are in the faith. Prove yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you are disqualified"
(NKJV). Or do we retreat and put up the "defensive?" Many of us want to see a change in the church "corporately" (and
rightly so!). For this to happen though, we must first look "within" ourselves!!
Where are our hearts? Are we like Saul who turned back from following the Lord, continually disobeying Him (1
Samuel 13:1-14, 15:1-35)? Now we may say, "well, Im a follower of Jesus", but if that is so do you obey God's voice?
Seek His perfect will in your life? When you pray do you w-a-i-t for the answer, then act on it? When you sin are you
remorseful, do you repent? See Saul believed in God, but the fault that he had was that he was not obedient to God's will.
He took things upon himself, made his own choices, disobeyed God's commandments and where did it land him?
Or are we like David, who was after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14, 16:12-13)? David made mistakes, he sinned, but the
difference was David loved God, was after His heart and when rebuked he was humble, honest, repented and sought God (2
Samuel 11:2-27, 12:1-13, 2 Samuel 24:10, Psalm 51). David loved God and wanted to be obedient, do you?
"As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind;
for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you;
but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever" (1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV).
You see many of us; pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelists, administrators, members of the body want a R-E-A-L
change in today's church, but the change has to start with us!!!
Let's all look into the mirror before we go to the window. This is where change begins. We all want a change, but in order
for this to happen it has to start with each and every one of us. Then we will be able to see "clearly" where God
would have us and what He wants us to do.
Its with much tears that I write these words. I fear that the direction the "modern" church is going in is dangerous. We
have to remember that we are to be "servants" of the most high, not "to-be-served" by the most high. We are here to serve
Him with "all our being".
Sincerely in Christ's love,